

For New Programmers

~2 mins read

Crash Course Computer Science and Harvard CS50 are excellent introductions to the fundamental concepts.

C is a good first language to better understand these fundamental, as it’s a relatively small and low-level language. After you understand the basics like variables, loops, conditionals, pointers, and functions, you can go explore any language. Python, JavaScript, Go, and C# are some good choices to get a feel for different approaches.

Codecademy python course

a tour of go

go by example

Grokking algorithms is visual and fun algorithms book

Using basic terminal commands is both useful and a lot of fun, like ls to list files and directories, cd to change directory, mkdir to make a new directory, touch to create an empty file, rm to remove files and directories, cat to output the contents of a file, sort to sort, uniq to filter unique lines, grep to search for patterns in text, ..

Version control with Git is important to track changes to code. Basic workflow involves git clone to download a repository, git add to stage files for commit, git commit to save changes locally with a message, git push to upload commits to a remote repository like hosted on github for example.


