

Project Clarity

~5 mins read


current pains vision past learnings good bad ugly

  1. Past, present, future for the company, team, person, and lifecycle
    • historical context
    • Present challenges and opportunities
    • Future vision and direction
  2. Lifecycle
    • planning,
    • dev,
    • testing,,
    • deployments,
    • monitoring,
    • on-calls what could be better about the life-cycle? what do you like about it?
  3. team dynamics
    • which teams are there
    • how do they collaborate
    • who is on this team and for how long
  4. Good bad ugly
    • things to improve
    • things they like
    • churn/burn out/hardest parts
  5. Growth
    • what have they been learning
    • how the work improved their skills (look if they just focus on tech)


planned Senior project poorly and did most of the work on the last week

overall, I overloaded myself and caused a lot of unnecessary stress, feel lucky to not get severe burnout


real estate analytics for an alumni

yacht market analytics

cosmetics analytics

retail analytics, supermarket products

entropy, manual decision tree > stats > NLP

then tried to create a generic system for all this, but itโ€™s harder than it sounds, also given my overall experience at the time




concept to production in 6 weeks manual entry bug initialization bug currency conversion bug, 10x the size, exposing us to more risk 5-7 concurrent traders, $20k, $1m trades per day


MS onboarding volunteered for accessibility quickly joined on call for a complex system with 2 stacks and > 5 teams



fb: error codes

approach it as tech discussion of numbers vs names as enum keys rather than criticism

we decided to change the approach

fb: distractions after a manager change

shields vs funnels talk with my manager

havenโ€™t solved but helped


dif: minio overeng

suggested a session to address their concerns

led to improvements about deployment and monitoring processes

dif: nm, focus on one vs many

delegated but not really worked

dif: pushback against a deadline

a major release in 3 months and CTO meeting, shift resources

having new people are great in the long term but wonโ€™t help with releasing earlier in the short term

he already knew this but such feedback from the team helped to clarify expectations


guided an unhappy teammate in a chaotic period

provided direction with suggestions for things we can improve, pair programming

he turned out to be one of the most effective people in the team

onboarding 3 junior engs

created onboarding docs

creating helpful starting tasks

pair programming

no data engs

cover but advocate

doodle jump

overcomplicated trajectory

process the main character image


tech: slow gitlab

tech: driven monitoring work

little structure, no telemetry

better monitoring


stories are about people

so if I think of people I worked with, I can come up with some interesting cases, and the stories donโ€™t have to be extraordinary

