Keeping the same data on multiple nodes
Why distribute data?
- fault tolerance
- lower latency, eg. multiple AZ, closer to users
- scale
A simple concept yet requires a lot of thought to implement well
Sync or Async?
- sync -> wait for a write to be replicated on all nodes
- async -> write to the leader and async write followers
- semi-sync -> write to the leader and some of the followers and async write others
What to replicate?
SQL statements
indeterministic, eg. now()
WAL (write ahead log)
depends on internal bytes layout of a specific db version, so an upgrade requires downtime
Row based
higher level, easier to parse for external systems, nodes might run different versions of db
Trigger based
more flexible, custom application code, more prone to bugs, greater overhead
How to replicate?
Makes more sense in a multiple datacenter setup
Offline clients and collaborative editing are also similar to a multi leader setup