Experiments STEM Time

If the Earth is 45 years old

~2 mins read

The earth is about 4.5 billion years old.

Let’s take it to human-scale and say the Earth is 45 years old.

100 million years for us feels like a year to her.

Then the Milky Way is 136 years old,

and Big Bang happened 138 years ago.

By the same scale,

A decade is 3 seconds

a century, 30 seconds

200 years, a minute

1000 years, 5 minutes

300 000 years, a day

A human lifetime is about 20 seconds

For the 45 years old Mother Earth,

Dinosaurs appeared 2 years ago and lived for ~1.5 years

Human species evolved during the last two weeks

Made early stone tools a week ago

Learned to control fire in the last few days

Agriculture started an hour ago (12 000 years)

Sumer, writing, wheel, 30 minutes ago

Ancient Egypt 25 minutes ago

Babylonia 20 minutes ago

Trojan War 16 minutes ago

Rome was found 14 minutes ago

Renaissance 3 minutes ago

Industry a minute ago

WW2 25 seconds ago

Each decade is about 3 seconds, in a 138 years old universe

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