
Business Essais Philosophy Practical Skills

What to work on?

  1. Start with the why, then how and what
  2. Going fast in the wrong direction is not productivity. Think more about what to work on.
  3. What is fun to me but work for others? What makes me lose track of time? What comes naturally to me? What blurs the line between work and play?
  4. What are the most important problems in your field, and why aren’t you working on them?
  5. Being good at something doesn’t promise rewards. It doesn’t even promise a compliment. What’s rewarded in the world is scarcity, so what matters is what you can do that other people are bad at.
  6. Play a game where the odds are in your favor. You’ll be most successful where you’re most intensely interested.
  7. Don’t think about how proud you would be to run a marathon. Ask whether you like running.
  8. Circle of Competence, understand what you know and what you don’t know
  9. Teamwork

