Be Good To Each Other And Yourself
I keep looking for meaning, but all I’ve found so far is that in order to be at peace with the present, we must be at peace with the past, because the present is a product of the past. Accept. Accept. Accept. Learn to love the present moment. What happened, happened.
On a more practical level, what matters most in our day-to-day lives is that we’re good to ourselves and to each other. It’s actually not possible to only do one or the other – we must do both or neither.
Sometimes, when I write about startups or other interests of mine, I worry that perhaps I’m communicating the wrong priorities. Investing money, creating new products, and all the other things we do are wonderful games and can be a lot of fun, but it’s important to remember that it’s all just a game. What’s most important is that we are good to each other, and ourselves. If we “win”, but have failed to do that, then we have lost. Winning is nothing. This doesn’t mean that we can’t push ourselves or stretch our own limits. Those things can be very healthy, but only when done for their own sake. Ultimately, the people who learn to love what they do will be the ones who accomplish the most anyway. Those who push only for the sake of some future reward, or to avoid failure, very often burn out, sometimes tragically. Please don’t do that.
Please be good to each other, and yourself.