
Business Essais Practical Skills

Get Things Done

  1. Define What to work on? and why
  2. Start small
  3. Plan
  4. Prioritize important over urgent
  5. Eliminate
  6. Delegate
  7. Get feedback early and often
  8. Set up small checkpoints
  9. Know your brains rhythm, if it peaks in The Morning, then spare the most important work for the morning
  10. Start the day by working on your top goals
  11. If less than 2 mins, do it right away
  12. Draw a deadline
  13. Batch work
  14. Use checklists
  15. Flow happens when the task slightly exceeds your skill level
  16. Take a walk
  17. Prepared, focused, short meetings
  18. On Decision Making
  19. Rely on Habits and
  20. Do One Thing At A Time And Do It Well
  21. Ignore sunk costs
  22. Work short, focused intervals and rest
  23. Say no more often
  24. Write more so you don’t have to remember everything
  25. Save some easy tasks for low-motivation periods
  26. End the day with a cliffhanger so it’s easier to start again
  27. Stay professional, responsible and reliable.
  28. Everything looks like a failure in the middle, keep going

