Get Things Done
~2 mins read
- Define what to work on and why
- Start small
- Plan
- Prioritize important over urgent
- Eliminate
- Delegate
- Get feedback early and often
- Set up small checkpoints
- Know your brains rhythm, if it peaks in the morning, then spare the most important work for the morning
- Start the day by working on your top goals
- If less than 2 mins, do it right away
- Draw a deadline
- Batch work
- Use checklists
- Flow happens when the task slightly exceeds your skill level
- Prepared, focused, short meetings
- Rely on habits and systems
- Ignore sunk costs
- Work short, focused intervals and rest
- Say no more often
- Write more so you don’t have to remember everything
- Save some easy tasks for low-motivation periods
- End the day with a cliffhanger so it’s easier to start again
- Stay professional, responsible and reliable.
- Everything looks like a failure in the middle, keep going
Do One Thing At A Time And Do It Well
Tag: productivity - Sketchplanations