
Decisions Essais Practical Skills

On Decision Making

A little forethought can prevent a lot of pain.

Don’t decide under physical discomfort or heavy emotion, wait until your mind is clear.

Prevention is the best cure. It is easier to stay out than get out. Do without doing - Wu Wei η„‘ηˆ²

Follow your gut for reversible decisions, follow due diligence for the important ones

Do nothing against your will, nor against community, nor without due examination, nor with reluctancy

Think twice before you speak and be careful with promises.

Do or do not. There is no try.

Neither chase pleasure nor avoid necessary pain. Do what feels right in your heart of hearts, over what is easy. Do What Is Right

Go with all your heart. When in doubt, the answer is no.

As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know it when you find it.

Don’t get stuck, good enough is good.

Free Will


Critical thinking

Do Not Lie To Yourself

